Today welcomes the Winter Solstice. Marked by the longest night and shortest day of the year, it holds the beautiful and sacred moments when one season moves into another. In the midst of holiday chaos, these moments allow us to pause and reflect on the new season and coming new year. The Winter Solstice, although an ancient tradition, carries a very modern message by acting as a reminder for us to slow down, embrace silence and find peace in the knowledge that no matter how dark a day may be, the light will always return. Today, challenge yourself to take time for inward reflection, appreciate the daylight outdoors, and spend the darker hours connecting with loved ones.
Take a walk outdoors, greeting the return of longer days and appreciating all of the natural life that continues to bustle during the winter months.
In the spirit of reflection, take time to yourself to try yoga or meditation.
As the night grows dark, light candles around your home and draw from the flame’s intensely peaceful energy.
Host a game night with friends and family, whether the conversation is silly or profound, the connection will be deep.